Open Innovation Test Beds Workshop

The INN-PRESSME project will host an online workshop on 20 October 2021 on the topic of ‘Open Innovation Test Beds Workshop: Empowering SMEs to accelerate market access of nano-enabled biomaterials’.

Open Innovation Test Beds (OITBs) are key elements in delivering the green and digital transition, increasing European competitive and technological leadership, supporting the move to climate-neutrality and circularity, and accelerating industrial innovation.

These Test Beds aim to bring nanotechnologies and advanced materials within market reach by providing access to demonstration and upscaling facilities, as well as services to advance technologies from laboratory validation to prototypes in industrial environments. OITBs gather all the relevant players and services needed for innovation based on new materials, therefore reducing technological risks and accelerating market access.

This online workshop will bring together OITBs, SMEs, industry associations, clusters, universities, and research centres. The goal is to build awareness on the OITB services for customers and SMEs that will bring their own ideas and materials to be scaled up by the OITBs.

Join us to discover practical solutions and opportunities provided by four OITBs, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, for key sectors such as packaging, automotive, energy, construction, and consumer goods.


Click here to register, the event is free of charge.


10:00 Welcome and introduction, Mathieu Lions, IPC Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites

10:05 European Commission (DG RTD)

10:20 Dr Ulla Forsström, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, coordinator of INN-PRESSME

10:30 Prof. Dimitrios Bikiaris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, coordinator of BIOMAC


10:50 Mariana Ornelas, Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials, coordinator of BIOMAT

11:00 Maria Jorda Beneyto, Centro Tecnologico ITENE, coordinator of BIONANOPOLYS


11:25 Concluding remarks, Mathieu Lions, IPC Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites. Next clustering activity in December 2021.

11:30 End of the online workshop

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