Publications AllPolicy PapersProject SummariesStudiesRecommendations for a more resilient EU aquaculture – NewTechAquaRead MoreEngaging stakeholders for the urban bioeconomy – HOOPRead MoreCogenerating a renewable future – SmartCHPRead MoreUnlocking the potential of the bioeconomy – Bio4ProductsRead MoreLow carbon cities for better living – SinfoniaRead MoreHow can Europe develop a market for advanced renewable fuels? – ADVANCEFUELRead MoreA novel biorefinery concept for mushroom compost – BIOrescueRead MoreAs easy as A-B-E – ButanextRead MoreRecommendations for a circular economy in EU agriculture – BIOrescueRead MoreRecommendations for a high performing transmission grid – Best PathsRead MoreOvercoming barriers for sustainable bioproducts and biofuels – ButanextRead MoreTextile based architecture – ETFE-MFMRead MoreHealthier and more energy efficient buildings – ECO-SEERead MoreUnlocking resource savings in the metal mechanic sector – MEMANRead MoreDesigning the wind turbine of the future – WINDTRUSTRead MoreMobilising pruning residues to expand Europe’s biomass market – EuropruningRead MoreIncreasing impact from publicy funded research – ProBIORead MoreStudy on Operational Programmes under Investment for Growth and Jobs – Interreg IVCRead MoreThematic study on energy effiency and renewable energies – Central Europe ProgrammeRead MoreRenewable Energy capitalisation – Interreg IVCRead MoreEntrepreneurship capitalisation report – Interreg IVCRead MoreResource efficiency potentials of manufacturing industries – DefraRead MoreRenewable Energy capitalisation report II – Interreg IVCRead MoreEco-clusters for a green economy – EcoCluPRead MoreGood Practices in Regional Eco-Management and Eco-Innovation Support SchemesRead MoreGuide to resource efficient manufacturing – RemakeRead MoreResource efficient manufacturing policy recommendations – RemakeRead MoreEco-innovation in cluster organisations in the chemical and textile sectorsRead MoreEco-innovation and national cluster policies in EuropeRead MoreGuide to green service innovation vouchers – KIS-PIMSRead MoreGreen service innovation vouchers – GreenConServeRead MoreNo post found