European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

This year’s edition will be an entirely virtual event spread over three consecutive weeks in October.

Each week will be dedicated to a different topic:

  • 5-9 October: Empowering Citizens,
  • 12-16 October: Cohesion and cooperation,
  • 19-22 October: Green Europe, in cooperation with the Green Week.

The programme is already filling up and registration is now open.

As usual Greenovate! Europe will be actively participating through our Interreg Europe contract. The main Interreg events are listed on this page.

By Djea Djeapragache “The European Green Deal is now leading manufacturers, including those in the mechanical engineering sector, to embrace…

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Title:                    EU Project Manager Workplace:          Greenovate! Europe E.E.I.G. offices, Silversquare Bailli, Avenue Louise 231, 1050 Brussels - BELGIUM Status:…

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10 September 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden – The iCOSHELLs research and innovation project officially commenced this week in Gothenburg, focusing on…

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