SOTEU outlines new Green Deal initiatives

On 13 September Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, gave her annual State of the Union address, which contained several initiatives and priorities for supporting the European Green Deal in the next year.

Firstly, von der Leyen announced that the Commission will launch a new European Wind Energy Package to alleviate current challenges to the industry by developing skills in the workforce, enabling access to finance, and strengthening supply chains. The Package will also propose fast-track permitting for new projects, and improved auction systems.

The most eye-catching announcement, picked up by the European press, was the Commission’s intention to launch an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles. Reflecting on how China’s trade practices has impacted the European solar industry, von der Leyen stated that Chinese subsidies are distorting the European EV market and that the Commission would take action to prevent a race to the bottom.

Von der Leyen also announced a series of Clean Transition Dialogues to build on the Industrial Strategy and support industry in building business models for decarbonisation. A Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture was also announced to inform more sustainable and secure agriculture.

The Strategy Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP), proposed in June, was also discussed, with the President urging quick agreement from the institutions to allow the platform to steer funds into new technologies, including biotech and cleantech.

More information is available at the SOTEU site.

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