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Integral Material and Energy flow MANagement in MANufacturing metal mechanic sector

Challenge: Present approaches to increasing resource efficiency in manufacturing companies are mainly focused on single process optimisation, missing opportunities to optimise the overall value chain.

Solution: The MEMAN project developed an integrated methodology that, for the first time, covers both company and value chain levels to reveal hidden resource saving potentials on a global scale. The methodology includes the development of a decision-making toolbox that helps companies to assess and decide about strategies to improve their resource efficiency.

Duration: : January 2015 – June 2018

Our role

We were responsible for the work package on Dissemination & Exploitation, with our member Gate2Growth. Other G!E members in the consortium were CETIM, DOWEL Management (formerly Technofi), Zabala Innovation Consulting, and Van der Meer & Van Tilburg.

Contact: James Ling


Video series

Project flyer

Final publication

Policy conference

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