MEPs call for ambitious recycling targets

11 May, Brussels – A cross-party group of MEPs has issued a call for the European Commission to propose ambitious recycling targets within the new Circular Economy package, due by the end of the year. The MEPs have positioned themselves opposite many of the Member States, who argued that the recycling targets in the original package were already too high.

The call has been made in a joint statement by the rapporteur for the Parliament’s position, who comes from the S&D grouping, and the shadow rapporteurs from the EPP, ALDE, Greens and ECR groups. They argue that strong targets for 2020, 2025 and 2030 are needed for recycling and preparation for re-use of municipal and packaging waste.

The MEPs have also called for separate collection of bio-waste, and construction and demolition waste, by 2020, with a ban on land-fill for recyclable and biodegradable wastes.

Stakeholder groups have been critical that the Commission is too focused on waste and recycling, at the expense of resource efficiency and re-use. They argue that any targets will have to be followed by an ambitious resource efficiency target and development of markets for secondary raw materials.

The Commission is expected to shortly launch a public consultation on the Circular Economy Package.

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