Juncker puts forward ‘kill list’ of green regulations

14 November, Brussels – The European Commission has put forward a list of green regulations from the Barroso cabinet which are to be reviewed – and possibly withdrawn – by the new Juncker Cabinet.

Measures being targeted include the Eco-Design Directive, the Energy Labelling Directive and newly proposed legislation on improving air quality and reducing waste. In an accompanying letter to their fellow Commissioners, Juncker and First Vice President Frans Timmermans said that the new Commission should be “bigger and more ambitious on big things and smaller and more modest on small things”.

However, the list has been heavily criticised, with some politicians and campaigners accusing the Commission of aiming to appease populists and Eurosceptics at the cost of economic and health benefits. “We all want to see smarter, more efficient EU regulation but this cannot come at the expense of our environment and air quality”, said Catherine Bearder, a UK Liberal Democrat MEP. “Juncker must recognise the huge economic opportunities of moving toward a cleaner and more resource-efficient economy.”

A Commission spokeswoman said that the list was simply a proposal for review, and that so far no decisions have been made on withdrawals.

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