EU’s 2020 Energy Efficiency targets reached six years early

Brussels – The EU has reached its 2020 energy efficiency targets ahead of time according to new figures which show that final energy consumption in the EU reached a 20 year low in 2014.

In its latest analysis the Joint Research Centre found that consumption fell from 1,133 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in 2000 to 1,061 Mtoe in 2014, below the 2020 target of 1,086 Mtoe.

In total, final energy consumption dropped by 6.4% between 2000 and 2014, with the EU’s industrial sector registering the largest decline (17.6%). More sustainable practices in industry as well as the economic recession were cited as causes.

There were also significant reductions in the residential sector, where consumption fell by just under 10%. The report highlighted the impact eco-design and labelling has had on average household energy use.

The transport and services sectors bucked the trend however, both increasing their overall energy demand since the turn of the millennium.

Comparing the performance of member states shows the highest reduction rate was seen in Greece (-16.6%), followed by the UK (-15.3%) and Portugal (-11.8%).

Click to access the full report

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