EU solar market slumps following policy changes

12 May, Brussels – Eurobserv’ER have revealed that newly installed solar power capacity fell by 32% in 2014, as a result of changes to solar support policies. In 2014, 6.9GW of new capacity was added, down from 10GW in 2013 and 22GW in 2012.

“The European market is beset by highly draconian national and European policies that hamper sector development,” Eurobserv’ER said. “The main legislative aim of a number of member states is to implement retroactive measures in their production support system to reduce the price of their electricity bill,” it said, with retroactive measures introduced in Italy, Spain and the Czech Republic.

New policies in Germany – such as changes to feed-in-tariffs and reductions of surcharges that finance renewable energy development – have significantly impacted upon solar capacity growth. For the first time ever, the UK held the position of fastest growing market, with more than 2.4GW installed in 2014, compared to 1GW in 2013.

Click here to read the Eurobserv’ER Photovoltaic Barometer.

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