Circular Economy toolkit for policy-makers launched

26 June, London – The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched a toolkit for policy-makers, looking to support the transition to a Circular Economy. The toolkit, ‘Delivering the Circular Economy’, complements the recently published report, ‘Growth Within: A Circular Economy vision for a Competitive Europe.’

The report provides a step-by-step methodology including 11 tools, which aim to:

  • Assess a country’s circular economy starting position, define its ambition level, and select focus areas;
  • Systematically screen, sector-by-sector, circular economy opportunities, identify barriers that limit these opportunities and analyse policy options to overcome these barriers;
  • Assess economy-wide implications.

The toolkit was produced with the Danish Business Authority and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, using that country as a case study. It demonstrates that even in a country with a starting position as advanced as Denmark, there are significant opportunities to scale up the transition towards the circular economy.

The report underlines that circular business opportunities are mainly hindered by non-financial barriers and suggests that a sector by sector approach would be the most appropriate to identify the most relevant opportunities, barriers and policy options. Furthermore, system-wide measures, such as broader changes to the fiscal system, could support the transition towards the circular economy.

Both the Toolkit for Policy-Makers and the study, ‘Growth Within’, are available to download at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website.

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