Number of renewable energy jobs in EU drops, despite worldwide increase

Abu Dhabi, 20 May – The EU suffered a fall of 50,000 renewable energy jobs in 2013, compared to a global increase of 1 million jobs in the sector, according to a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency. This figure represents a global increase of 18% on 2012, bringing the total number of jobs to 7.7 million.

In 2012, the EU had 1.25 million jobs in renewable energy. The fall of 50,000 positions has hit solar energy particularly hard, with over a third of all jobs in this sector disappearing in 2013, as a result of cuts to public support schemes and unpredictable market conditions.

The renewable energy lobby has argued that the EU needs to take greater action to co-ordinate national support schemes, in particular, through a strong, binding 2030 renewables target. The European Commission will look again at the 2030 energy package after November’s UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, but is unlikely to raise the targets.

Click to see the report from the International Renewable Energy Agency.

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