New study gathers information on ILUC GHG emissions associated with biofuels production

 Navarra – Experts from the Biomass Department of the National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER) have co-ordinated the production of a new report gathering comprehensive information on, and systematic analysis of, the latest available scientific research and evidence on indirect land use change (ILUC) greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) associated with production of biofuels and bioliquids.

The study, which was commissioned by European Commission Directorate-General for Energy, has been jointly elaborated with researchers of Wageningen Economic Research, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and Wageningen Environmental Research.

The study describes the selection and review of ILUC related literature, especially highlighting the development and progress in understanding and quantifying ILUC. It underlines that ILUC factors identified in the literature vary significantly across biofuel pathways, studies, or even within studies depending on the hypothesis used. Additionally, studies that have investigated parametric uncertainty conclude that this fact has a significant effect on the outcomes. As a result of the all of the uncertainties in the components of ILUC emissions, it is very difficult to narrow them down.

For more information, see the full Press Release at the CENER website, or click to view the study report on ‘Reporting requirements on biofuels and bioliquids stemming from Directive (EU) 2015/1513.’

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