New report explores available financial instruments for bioeconomy projects

Brussels – The Bio-based Industry Consortium (BIC) has published a new report on funding instruments for supporting the development of the European bioeconomy. The report, prepared by RINA Consulting, outlines a number of funding opportunities and presents synergies between instruments that can co-finance bioeconomy projects.

In line with its development targets, the EU has initiated a number of financial instruments that can support the bioeconomy, through research activities, as well as demonstration and flagship investments. These include the Biobased Industry Joint Undertaking (BBIJU) under Horizon 2020, InnovFin from the European Investment Bank, the European Fund for Structural Investments (EFSI), the European Structural and the Investment Funds (ESIF) and the upcoming Circular Bioeconomy Thematic Investment Platform (TIP).

Click here to access the report, ‘Access to EU financial instruments suitable for the implementation of large bio-based industry investments’.

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