MANTRA project launched to support digital and green transformation of manufacturing SMES



20 November 2024, Barcelona (Spain) – The Horizon Europe project MANTRA held its kick-off meeting today in Barcelona, launching its ambitious mission to boost the green and digital transformation of European manufacturing SMEs through the uptake of advanced technologies and social innovation.

The manufacturing industry – a sector mainly built on SMEs – is a strong asset for the European economy and an important driver of employment and prosperity. However, it is also energy-intensive, responsible for one-fifth of EU greenhouse gas emissions. Implementing advanced digital technologies will lead to more circular processes and efficient and flexible products. 

“MANTRA will launch a scalable capacity building programme to provide manufacturing SMEs with the financial and technical support needed to become more sustainable, competitive and resilient.”

Miriam Miranda, project coordinator from Zabala Innovation  

MANTRA will directly support a group of 50 manufacturing SMEs in the form of a €50,000 grant, with a dedicated process in which they learn and unlock their digital and technological potential within a sustainable business model. This ‘transformation journey’ has been designed to overcome the main socio-economic challenges and current barriers for the uptake of advanced technologies and social innovation, empowering SMEs to reap the benefits of the digital and green transitions.  

The MANTRA project will create a standard methodology, based on the principles of open innovation and supported by an ecosystem of business actors, to accompany SMEs in their transition process and achieve a successful transformation. This innovation support ecosystem will be built on the capacities of a strong consortium and SME support networks and initiatives. 

The project will focus on SMEs in five manufacturing sectors: machinery, food, textiles, plastics, ceramics, and metals. It seeks to promote the adoption of 16 advanced technologies prioritised by EU industrial policy, which enable sustainable and responsible innovation throughout the economy: advanced materials, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, big data, blockchain, cloud technologies, connectivity, industrial biotechnology, Internet of Things, micro and nanoelectronics, mobility, nanotechnology, photonics, robotics, and security MANTRA officially started activities on 1 November 2024 and will run for 3.5 years.  

The project consortium, coordinated by Zabala Innovation, includes 7 key partners focused on achieve a sustainable and competitive transition of European manufacturing SMEs: Rina Consulting Spa (Italy), INESC TEC – Instituto De Engenhariade Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciencia (Portugal), Babele Create Together Srl (Romania), Southern European Cluster in Photonics & Optics Association (Spain), EIT Manufacturing South Srl (Italy), Greenovate! Europe (Belgium), CETIM – Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques (France). Follow the MANTRA project on LinkedIn for updates and insights into our progress! 

The MANTRA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101178023. 


Project information 

  • Grant agreement ID: 101178023 
  • Call topic: HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-41 – ‘Innovate to transform’ support for SME’s sustainability transition (CSA) 
  • Budget: €4,998,811.88 
  • Duration: 42 months 

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