Interest groups push for stronger Circular Economy package

19 June, Brussels – A number of European Interest Groups have spoken out against weakening of the Circular Economy package, calling for clear targets for recycling and re-use, and for inclusion of new sectors.

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB), with other green groups, have argued for legislation that promotes the re-use – rather than recycling – of packaging. This could be done through a resource consumption target for packaging, as well as charges on single-use packaging. The EEB believes that any combination of targets for re-use and recycling would inevitably weaken the re-use of packaging, as recycling is logistically easier.

Conversely, the Plastics Recyclers Europe group has called for recycling targets to be maintained, arguing that a 45% recycling target for plastic packaging rate by 2020, and 60% by 2025, could create 80,000 jobs. The Commission is thought to be sceptical about introducing more targets.

EurEau, who represent the European water sector, have called for the Commission to include measures on wastewater and sewage sludge management in the Package. They also argue for incentives for biogas recovery from wastewater, for the use of sludge as fertiliser, and for support to create new markets.

The European Commission is holding an open consultation on the Circular Economy Package, until 20 August.

Click to see the positions of the EEB, Plastic Recyclers Europe, or EurEau.

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