Montreal – The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has adopted the first ever global aviation emission’s scheme, in a bid to cap greenhouse gas emissions.
Like the EU’s own Emission’s Trading System (ETS), the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) will require airlines to offset their emissions through a new global carbon market. Each tonne of CO2 released will need to be offset against an emissions unit; eithre an ‘offset credit’ from crediting mechanisms, or ‘allowances’ from emissions trading schemes.
Countries will be able to sign up voluntarily from 2021 onwards, with a number – including members of the European Civil Aviation Conference, the USA and China – having pledged to join from this date. Adoption will then become mandatory for the period 2027-2035, though a number of developing countries will be exempt.
For more information, see the ICAO Frequently Asked Questions.