23 May, Brussels – Several EU Member States have still not transposed EU rules on energy audits into national law, even one year after the deadline for doing so, a European Commission study has shown.
The study, conducted on behalf of the European Commission, found that countries including Spain, Poland and other Eastern European member states had failed to complete the transposition. New Member States have been the main offenders.
Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Cyprus, as well as Luxembourg, Spain and Belgium have so far failed to fully comply. However, even in countries where the rules have been transposed countries are failing to check whether companies are actually carrying out the required audits.
Article 8 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012), required EU states to ensure that large businesses measure their energy levels regularly, with an initial audit in December 2015 and further check-ups every four years. Countries failing to monitor large companies sufficiently include the UK, France, Sweden and Hungary.
For more information, see the report, ‘A Study on Energy Efficiency in Enterprises: Energy Audits and Energy Management Systems’