EEETHOS project kicks off to decarbonise industrial process heating with innovative technologies

Aarhus, 21 November 2024 – Last Wednesday, Members of 19 organisations coming from 9 European countries met in Aarhus, Denmark, to officially launch the EEETHOS project.

EEETHOS is a Horizon Europe funded initiative aimed at transforming industrial heating processes. The project is coordinated by the Danish Technological Institute under the leadership of Benjamin Zühlsdorf.

“Electrification and energy efficiency are key pillars for creating a sustainable, resilient and competitive European industry. EEETHOS will develop and demonstrate highly promising solutions, which will enable heavy industries, such as asphalt, pulp & paper, steel and bricks, to make an important step in the green transition.”

Benjamin Zühlsdorf, Innovation Director of the Danish Technological Institute

Industrial process heating is responsible for 16% of total final energy demand and 13% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. Transforming this sector to become sustainable is crucial to meeting the EU’s climate targets for 2030, reducing dependency on fossil fuels, and enhancing the competitiveness of European industry. EEETHOS addresses this challenge by developing and demonstrating cutting-edge technologies for high-temperature industrial heating, filling critical gaps in the current technology landscape.

EEETHOS focuses on developing five key-enabling technologies for decarbonised and energy-efficient industrial heating. These include high-temperature heat pumps for steam supply at up to 200 °C, a reversed Brayton heat pump for temperatures up to 300 °C, and other solutions for industrial drying and heating applications. These innovations are expected to achieve energy savings of 43% to 86%, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of local renewable energy sources.


EEETHOS officially started activities on 1 November 2024, and is funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 101178624) and will run until October 2028.

The consortium comprises of 19 partners from nine EU countries and is coordinated by the Danish Technological Institute.  Interested individuals and organizations are welcome to follow the project’s LinkedIn page for news and updates.

Coordinator: Benjamin Zühlsdorf, Teknologisk Institut,
Media and communications: Greenovate! Europe,

Project Information

Complete project title: Project name: Energy Efficiency and Electrification Technologies for Heat Flow Optimization in Process Industries

Project number: 101178624


EU contribution: €14,995,451.75

Consortium partners: Danish Technological Institute, The Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Fundación Tekniker, PEAB Asfalt Danmark A/S, KEBE Northern Greece Ceramics SA., Felix Schoeller GmbH & Co. KG., APERAM Stainless Belgium, Oilon Technology Oy, Svenska Rotor Maskiner International AB, Psyctotherm, Heaten Germany GmbH, CEE Engineering SRL, AZTEQ bv, University of Stuttgart, University of Genoa, PricewaterhouseCoopers Business Solutions Ae, Greenovate! Europe EEIG, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden



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