Brussels, 8 October – The European Commission has published three papers outlining methods to help turn publicly-funded research into commercial success stories. The reports support EU efforts to boost innovation outputs with measures such as the Innovation Union and Entrepreneurship Action Plan.
Brussels, 8 October – The European Commission has published three papers outlining methods to help turn publicly-funded research into commercial success stories. The reports support EU efforts to boost innovation outputs with measures such as the Innovation Union and Entrepreneurship Action Plan.
Whilst Europe has a strong scientific base, it lags behind its competitors in innovation and the commercialisation of research. By EU definition, innovation counts as, “any activity aiming to promote not only the dissemination, but especially the subsequent exploitation of the results of R&D projects”.
The three papers are:
- Analysis of EU-funded research projects in the field of industrial technologies – analysing the factors for successful commercialisation from more than 40 EU-funded R&D projects in industrial technology. The report finds that ’commericalisation’ is no longer a suitable term to use, as it is often simply understood as the direct and immediate conversion of research into economic success. Instead, the report supports the idea of ‘market oriented exploitation’, reflecting the various forms of positive economic effects that come from research outcomes.
- Analysis of innovation successes in the field of industrial technology – focusing on how to best fund Nanotechnologies, New Materials and Production Processes (NMP) research projects, to improve exploitation. The report elaborates ways to boost innovation at all stages of the project cycle, expand the exploitation side of projects and improve entrepreneurial strategies and capacities of project partners;
- Innovation management for practitioners – a short handbook aimed at providing researchers with a better understanding of the innovation process.