Demonstrations of new prototypes aim to show that prunings are a viable biomass resource

The EuroPruning project – which seeks to turn agricultural prunings into a viable biomass fuel – will demonstrate its developed machineries in three European climates – Mediterranean (Aragon, Spain), Continental (Brandenburg, Germany) and Oceanic (Aquitaine, France) – starting this November.

EuroPruning has created prototypes for harvesting and treating prunings from the field and developed a decision-support tool for collection logistics. The machineries for harvesting and treating prunings include a chipper which is able to harvest and chip prunings on-site, and a baler which harvests and bales prunings for easy transportation, handling and storage. Both prototypes can be adapted to different crop layouts and can be towed by commercial tractors.

The demonstrations aim to show that the chips and bales are of sufficient quality to enter the biomass market, with size and shape compatible with standard means of transportation. The demonstration of the prototypes will be followed by a period of storage to determine best practice, and finally the quality of the biomass will be validated with end users.

The machinery will be tested in almond and fruit plantations in Aragon, starting in November 2014, and then in vineyards in Aquitaine between December and January and in fruit plantations in Brandenburg in March 2015.

To find out more about the Demonstration in: 

Visit the EuroPruning website at:

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