April 20, Brussels – An analysis by the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) has highlighted significant differences between Member States in terms of definitions and actions being implemented for nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEBs). While some states are already implementing nZEB strategies, about half of the countries have not yet defined what an nZEB is.
The key legislative driver for improving efficiency in European buildings is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which asks Member States to develop a working plan to make their new buildings nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEB) by 2020 while for public buildings the deadline is set for 2018.
However, the EPBD only provides a broad definition of nZEB and leaves it to Member States to work out a detailed definition and implementation strategy for their country. The BPIE argues that their analysis, “demonstrates the need for clear EU legislation to help Member States make their new and existing buildings energy efficient.”
For more information, see the BPIE factsheet, ‘Nearly Zero Energy Buildings – Definitions Across Europe.’