ADVANCEFUEL makes recommendations for uptake of renewable fuels

Since 2017, the ADVANCEFUEL project has been exploring the social, economic, legislative and environmental barriers to the roll-out and uptake of advanced biofuels – those made from non-food crops, thus avoiding the food-feed dilemma.

However, these fuels have their own concerns, including economic and technical viability, overall sustainability (from feedstock harvesting to end use), and compatibility with existing vehicle engines.

The revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) has set targets for advanced biofuel as an overall percentage of final energy use in transport, of 0.2% by 2022, 1% by 2025 and 3.5% by 2030, with a view to further growth by 2050 and beyond.

Reaching these targets will require further development of the current market, and ADVANCEFUEL has been working with stakeholders to devise recommendations for European, national and regional policy-makers, as well as agriculture and transport industries.

The results of the project and its recommendations have been collated in a final publication, produced by Greenovate! Europe with input from all partners, and graphic design by REVOLVE.

To bring these recommendations to relevant audiences, ADVANCEFUEL organised two webinars, for the media and policy and industry stakeholders.

Don’t forget to also check out our other resources, including the project deliverables, publications and factsheetsstakeholder tools, the final publication, the project videos, and the online visual journey.

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