Survey: Help us gather input on the design of sectoral eco-innovation events!

Objective of the greenXpo project’s sectoral dialogue events

To promote eco-innovation in the European industrial sectors the greenXpo project will organise dialogue events among industries (SMEs and larger industries), business associations, R&D organisations, and relevant policy institutions.

The overall objective of the dialogue events is to create awareness for the superior greening potential of value-chain-level eco-innovations, to discuss a number of high-impact value-chain-level eco-innovations and to validate the success factors for implementing of value-chain-level eco-innovations

What is this survey about?

This short questionnaire aims to gain a better understanding of the information and dialogue needs to support the greening of sectoral value chains and create cross-sectoral eco-innovation learnings.

Help us gather this input! We kindly request you to fill this questionnaire which will take you approximately 10 minutes. Your responses will only be used for the purpose of the greenXpo project, and individual responses will not be made public.

We thank you in advance for your interest and helping us to scope the greenXpo dialogue events.

Follow this link for the survey:

Learn more about greenXpo and our online platform innovationSeeds at

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